codebar Festival is 100% virtual this year! So you can access these insightful sessions from anywhere.
26,115 community members
100% Virtual
2,475 events since 2013
Over 35 hours of online content
Support from a thriving community
We welcome companies from anywhere in the world who want to be a part of our upcoming festival. If you’re looking to discover fresh, diverse talent in the tech space, support our event, and/or nurture a new generation of coders, drop us an email and let’s explore new ways to work together.
Sponsoring codebar is by far the most impactful thing that I did during my tenure at Contentful. The price was small compared to the community impact and I would sponsor another codebar event over a commercial conference any day."
Alvin Bryan
Developer Advocate
Take a look at what went down during codebar Festival last year
1,500 attendees
Participants from 20 countries
15 sessions over 5 days
₤1,300 donated to various charities
2,400 messages exchanged